Tuesday, October 7, 2008

for the love of target!

So if you're not in love with Jonathan Saunders after Fashion Week I am not sure what to tell you. The dress below blows my mind.

Its crazyness and I want it right now, expect that it cost $1,800. But no worries Mr. Saunder's gives us a whole new reason to love him as of Oct 6th. His Go International line for Target. (ah, my heart melts) I was in shock when I walked into my target and saw this hanging on the rack. Too bad they didn't have my size because it would be mine as we speak! ($29.99)

Do you love it?


Anonymous said...

i really love that dress! but, not so much the bright yellow belt... maybe i just need more of your wonderful fashion help for me to get it!

Anonymous said...

of course he rocks!! cuz his name is Jonathan!
