Wednesday, January 21, 2009

That hat! Oh my

I’m sure you’re all very familiar with the hat that Ms. Franklin wore during President Obama’s inauguration Monday. And if you’re not – then you defiantly were not paying attention! It’s tough to say which was more catching: Aretha’s My Country ‘Tis of Thee or her over the top-shimmering bow hat. I must admit, I’m leaning toward the hat…

I’m serious. Yes, it reminded me of the ball that drops on New Years Eve from Times Square. Yes, it’s bigger than a shoebox. And yes, it might be considered a DON'T on a lesser woman, on a less important kind of day. But on Aretha, it totally works: you have to give the Queen of Soul major props for flaunting her signature, spotlight-stealing style on such a momentous occasion. Besides, it beats all those Elmer Fudd-like trapper hats we've seen so much of lately. Yuck!

So I must ask do you have an attention-getting hat that you like to bring out for special occasions? Would you consider yourself a hat person or a glasses person? (I think people are either one or the other – I am def a sunglass person!)


Anonymous said...

i would have to consider myself a glasses person, even though, i'm waiting for that perfect moment when i can bring out a big hat!!

Anonymous said...

wow that hat!