Monday, October 6, 2008

I'm back!

So after a very eventful weekend, with many laughs and a few tears I'm glad to be home. The trip was fun and the bride was beautiful! Trust me when I tell you, it was crazy! No great shopping to tell about but we ate like champs, yum the food was delish. New favorite place to munch MOE's. my heart is still beating for queso dip. I realized on this trip that people when traveling must leave there fashion sense at home. I swear I have NEVER seen worse. I wish I had pictures to show, unfortunately my camera died mid-wedding. But let me explain these few traveling no no's.

Yes, I know your in a car for ungodly amount of hours but please brush your hair. (even if it's orange & purple, I saw it!) Next, no matter what your best friend in the 4th grade said multicolored socks have been laid to rest, along with fanny packs. Disagree with me all you'd like but they have seen their day (It was in the 90's at Disney World). Tie dye ANYTHING, yes hippies needed it in the 70's for something to look at while doing whatever they were doing or smoking. And some people are still smoking the same thing - but leave the tie dye at Woodstock. Thanks!

I could of sat all day and watched people walk by in these horrible outfits. I was shocked myself. Just remember when traveling, bring what you need and pack for your trip. But leave these special items at home tuck away far far under your bed.

Also, a HUGE thanks to Jesse for his wonderful posts!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

OMG!! so funny! we literally saw ALL of these fashion no-no's in a 15 minute span at the turnpike rest stop! just imagine if we had been on the look out during the entire trip! time we'll make sure both camera's stay fully charged! (that way we can pitch that show to the networks!!)

...also, how can you NOT be in love with moes?!?!?