Friday, April 16, 2010

Dear Rain,

Dear Rain,

Let me start this off by saying that I still adore you. I love falling asleep to the sound of you, and I love the way you feel on a warm, summery day. Lately, I feel as if you've been smothering  you've been here for what seems like weeks on and frankly it's getting a little stale (or should I say moldy?).

You're taking the sunshine out of my life, and it makes it harder  to get through my day. On those days when I know I should be going to the gym, you're so cold that all I want to do is stay at home and eat something not healthy!

Let's just do a trial separation here. You can still come by from time to time; in fact I'd really like to see you on a less-intense basis. But for now, I have things to do, and I just don't want you around when I'm doing them. Maybe we can talk sometime next week for a little while; just not this weekend; I have beach plans in mind. And you're not invited. Sorry.

Happy Friday with Love,

1 comment:

Blicious said...

haha you are so cute! lovely pic.

i love the rain too but i am so ready to get my tan on.
