Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Paris Haute Couture Week: Chanel

Earlier today in Paris walking down a Chanel runway was neither a single pearl earring, nor a glimmer of gilt jewelry was allowed. This spring/summer array of clothes as pure as the driven snow. The models even wore white, paper head-dresses created, in origami-style, by the Tokyo milliner,Kamo, and their nails were painted white.

The clothes, exquisitely-cut, as if with a butter-knife, were mainly in parchment-cream and virgin white – one of ‘Coco’ Chanel’s favourite colours from the start of her career in the 1920s. An occasional flash of black PVC or smudgy-grey rose-print, lent added sobriety.

"We are entering a phase of reality fashion." said Lagerfeld. "This is right. This is exactly what Chanel did; she wore the clothes she designed. We talk about the financial crisis, but it is also healthy. People who have been making 20% increase, year after year, and then are not making 20% any more, they are not poor. So don't cry for them. We have got into bad habits and it is not a bad thing to have a new starting point." - Karl Lagerfeld

Don't you just love him?

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